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Clumping plants hybridised by Southfield Nurseries
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Fanfare'
rich dark pink / red flower
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Firecracker'
bright orange dark tipped petals
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln First Lady'
pink flower fading into pale centre
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Fury'
smaller, bright red flower
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Gem'
yellow/orange bicolour fancy flowers - requires full sun
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Giant'
pink-reddish large flower
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Girl'
deep pink flower
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Happy Thoughts'
bright pink petals with yellowy throat
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Haze'
white with a pale pink tinge
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Honey'
nice rich yellow, large flower