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Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid)

Clumping plants hybridised by Southfield Nurseries

Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln 'Tis Wonderful'
New for 2011
pink petals pale centre
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Ahoy'
New for 2011
compact flower, curving petals
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Baron'
compact magenta flower
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Belle'
pink flower, compact
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Blaze'
red flower
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Butterfly'
flower form varies according to the time of year
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Crinkles'
bright orange with crinkly petals
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Dancer'
deep shell pink
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Dime'
golden two-tone flower
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Drove'
nice cheerful red flower
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls