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Extremely attractive genus globular plants with ribs strongly pronounced, except on Asterias varieties
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, ornatum
Large, attractive yellow flowers, singular body
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, ornatum variety mirbellii
Dense white flecks, stout spines
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, ornatum X myriostigma
Attractive hybrids
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, senile
pale, long curving spines, yellow sometimes orange flowers
Plastic bowls with drainage holes
Thumbnail image of Bowls, Octagonal terracotta bowls (30 x 12 cm)
Quantity of 30 terracotta plastic 12 cm diameter octagonal bowls with drainage holes
Clumping plants
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia, 'Sharon's Delight'
golden yellow petals with paler outers
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia, 'Tangerine'
Tangerine flowers
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia, 'Terry's Surprise'
pink with pale centre flower
Clumping plants hybridised by Southfield Nurseries
Thumbnail image of Chamaelobivia (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln 'Tis Wonderful'
New for 2006
pink petals pale centre