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Short cylindrical bodies with flowers in many colours, but mainly red, yellow or pink. Flower easily at a young age.
Thumbnail image of Matucana (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid),  'Lincoln Glory'
free-flowering mostly orangey-red flowers, can vary
Thumbnail image of Matucana (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Festival'
assorted flower colours, free-flowering. Seeds packets - approximately 30 per pack.
Thumbnail image of Matucana (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Lincoln Sparkle'
varied bi- or tri-coloured bright flowers, free flowering. Colours vary, plants will be selected by the grower and chosen randomly.
Collections of assorted varieties
Thumbnail image of Mixed Cacti, Beginner's Giant Collection
Collection of 50 different cacti suitable for 6 cm for the beginner to make an interesting selection of varieties to start the basis of a wide ranging collection. Will include easy flowering forms as well as some varieties known for their spine formations
Thumbnail image of Mixed Cacti, Beginners Windowsill Collection
Collection of 5 cacti in 6 cm pot selected for a good, sunny windowsill, ease of cultivation and including some easy flowering varieties.
Thumbnail image of Mixed Cacti, Mixed Cacti seed
A variety of cacti seeds
Collections of assorted Cactusland hybrid plants
Thumbnail image of Mixed Hybrids, Hybrid Taster Collection
5 different named hybrids in 6 cm size pots (our choice of Rebutia, Gymnocalycium, Chamaelobivia, Lobivia and Weingartia)
Thumbnail image of Neobuxbaumia, euphorbioides
tall growing, eventually branching
Thumbnail image of Neobuxbaumia, mescaelensis x Neobuxbaumia scoparia
green body, tallish growing, pale spines
A free- flowering genus, easy to cultivate
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, haselbergii
White spines, orangey/red flowers