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Fairly small-growing, good flowering species
Thumbnail image of Parodia, mairanana
Orange flowers
Thumbnail image of Parodia, Peruviana
Spiralling ribs, variable flowers,
Thumbnail image of Parodia, weberiana
short reddish (some yellow) spines, Orange flowers
Generally small, colorful cacti, globular in form, which freely produce flowers that are relatively large in relation to the body. They have no distinctive ribs, but do have regularly arranged small tubercles. Relatively easy to grow.
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), donaldiana
Orange flowers, green body
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), edeltraude
nice apricot flower
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), flavistyla
Orange-Red flowers, whitish body
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), heliosa
Slow growing variety
Dense pectinate spines, magnificent, slow growing, orange flowers. The plant in the 12 cm pot size has an approximate diameter of 9.5 cm.
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), heliosa fa white spines
Slow growing variety
White spined form, slow and small growing
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), heliosa v. nova RH998
Slow growing variety
small growing with nice appressed spines