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Collections of assorted varieties
Thumbnail image of Mixed Cacti, Mixed Cacti seed
A variety of cacti seeds
Collections of assorted Cactusland hybrid plants
Thumbnail image of Mixed Hybrids, Hybrid Taster Collection
5 different named hybrids in 6 cm size pots (our choice of Rebutia, Gymnocalycium, Chamaelobivia, Lobivia and Weingartia)
Thumbnail image of Neobuxbaumia, euphorbioides
tall growing, eventually branching
Thumbnail image of Neobuxbaumia, mescaelensis x Neobuxbaumia scoparia
green body, tallish growing, pale spines
A free- flowering genus, easy to cultivate
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, haselbergii
White spines, orangey/red flowers
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, leninghausii
Yellow flowers, golden spines
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, magnificus
Bluish/green body, bristly spines, yellow flowers
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, sucineus v.albispinus
white spines, yellow flower
Thumbnail image of Notocactus, uebelmannianus
Satiny pink/purple flowers. This plant can show age markings in the 16 cm size and upwards at the base of the plant. This is perfectly normal.
"Old Man Cactus" from the high Andes, covered in white fuzz
Thumbnail image of Oreocereus, trollii x Denmoza rhodacantha
green body, orangy spines