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A large genus with probably the most magnificent flowers, many will stand quite cool conditions in winter.
Thumbnail image of Echinocereus, reichenbachii
up to 7 cm flower when mature, sometimes solitary, this plants creeps sideways, rather than upwards as it becomes a mature plant
Thumbnail image of Echinocereus, roetteri
variable flowers
Thumbnail image of Echinocereus, sarissophorus
Long spines, big pink flowers
Thumbnail image of Echinocereus, viereckii variety huastecensis
Long white spines, dark purple flowers
Known for large flowers
Thumbnail image of Echinopsis (includes Pseudolobivia), hybrid
large purple / red flower
Thumbnail image of Echinopsis (includes Pseudolobivia), kratochviliana
Dark green body, whitish flowers
Hybridised by Southfield Nurseries for strong, bright flowers
Thumbnail image of Echinopsis (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Bourne Happy'
New for 2006
orange flowers, long spined plant
Thumbnail image of Echinopsis (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Bourne Razzle Dazzle'
variable flower colours
Thumbnail image of Echinopsis (Southfield Nurseries Hybrid), 'Bourne Razzle Dazzle' Collection
5 plants in 6 cm size pots, some flowers last up to 3 days, superb flower range.