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Colourful leaves and flowers

Thumbnail image of Echeveria, 'Lincoln Mystery'
Hybridised by Southfield Nurseries. Unusual markings as plant matures.
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, 'Lincoln Razzmatazz'
seed grown hybrids with colour variations
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, agavoides 'Ebony' cross
dark tips, strong plants, variable markings
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, agavoides 'Mexican Giant'
large growing, powder-blue form.
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, agavoides 'Red Taurus'
fleshy reddish leaves
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, amoena
pale plant body, delicate bell shaped flower
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, cante
pale blue, delicate leaves, leaf edges tinged pink, densely farinose. Please note this plant may mark in transit, the damage should grow out after a year.
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, gilva 'Blue Surprise'
dense rosettes, a blue cultivar, fleshy blue leaves
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Echeveria, Lauii
Attractive, white powdery leaves. Please note that this plant may mark in transit.
Suitable for 6cm pots