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Have longish spines in relation to plant size

Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, conothelos
long light centrals, longish spines
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, conothelos v. argenteus
variable coloured flowers (selected randomly)
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, conothelos variety aurantiacus
Dark, golden / yellow flowers, whitish spines
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, Flavidispinus
Single body, purplish/pink flowers with violet throat
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, garciae
fleshy green body, off white flower
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, hastifer
Slow growing variety
slow growing, pale violet / punk flower, pale spines, approximately 0.5 cm
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Thelocactus, heterochromus
Strong colourful spines, large deep red/purple flowers
Planted in 16cm bowls