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Rebutia (Aylostera)

Generally small, colorful cacti, globular in form, which freely produce flowers that are relatively large in relation to the body. They have no distinctive ribs, but do have regularly arranged small tubercles. Relatively easy to grow.

Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), hoffmannii
Orange flowers, softish spines
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), krainziana
Clumping form with dark green body, short white spines and red / orange flowers (selected randomly)
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), krainziana (yellow flowers)
yellow flowers
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), krainziana fa white fl.
From white flowering plants
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), lauii
nice spines, orange/red flowers
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), minuscula
orangy-red flower
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Rebutia (Aylostera), muscula
Orange flowers, soft white spines
Planted in 16cm bowls
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots