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Extremely attractive genus globular plants with ribs strongly pronounced, except on Asterias varieties

Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, capricorne variety aurea
Golden interlacing spines
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, capricorne variety crassispinoides
Weak straw-coloured spines, rare. Seeds packet has approximately 15 - 20 seeds.
Planted in 16cm bowls
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Seeds packet
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, capricorne variety major
nice flecks, strong twisting spines
Planted in 12cm octagonal bowls
Suitable for 6cm pots
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, Mixed varieties
Seeds packet
Thumbnail image of Astrophytum, myriostigma 'Bishops Mitre'
Easy variety, yellow flowers, whitish body, few spines
Planted in 16cm bowls